When: Every Thursday morning @ 7:00am
Where: Mississauga Stadium (Outdoors - road/trail running, Indoors - track running)
Who: You! - Open to all those interested
Cost: Free!
The Mississauga Stadium Run Club will meet weekly on Thursday mornings and start at 7:00am. Weather permitting, we will be running around the White Willow Common Park trails in the spring, summer and fall. In the winter months, we will be running indoors on the state of the art Beynon track, which is covered by an air-supported dome. We will finish up around 7:45am in time for a cool down and shower before you go on with the rest of your day.
We will have two routes of 2.25km and 3.5km set up for runners to choose from. Both will start/finish at Mississauga Stadium. Runners will have the option of doing multiple laps of one or both routes allowing for 2.25km, 3.5km, 4.5km, 7km, or 9km distances.
Members of the Run Club will be provided access to the Mississauga Stadium - change rooms and showers before and after our run.
The goal is simple - fresh air and fitness with your colleagues. What better way to start your Thursday! We will have a tracking sheet (optional) for members to fill out and track their improvement.
Perfect! Each week one of our fearless (semi-fearless) leaders will guide the newbies on a run/walk/run/walk lap. Run/Walk intervals are great way to start and eventually progress (or not, which is fine to full on running. We will also discuss running form and different techniques to help you get started.
Sign up today by emailing our run club leader, info@mississaugastadium.com.
The fun starts on Thursday, September 10, 2020 and will take place on a weekly basis until December 24, 2020. Schedule for the remainder of December is now posted and the schedule for the New Year (2021) will be posted shortly.
Distance Time Pace
2.25km 45 minutes 20:00 min/km - Leisurely walk
3.5km 45 minutes 12:51 min/km - Brisk walk
4.5km 45 minutes 10:00 min/km - Jogging
7km 45 minutes 6:26 min/km - Running
9 km 45 minutes 5:00 min/km - Future run club leader in the making. Summer 2024 Olympics?

Upload your run to the Strava App!